The 10 principles below underscore the Akran Foundation's beliefs about the role of philanthropy and the impact we want this foundation to have. These principles direct and guide our actions. We are known for having a good and big heart.

The Guiding Principles are fundamental to the way we operate and are modified from time to time as we learn and grow.


To make the world a better place to live.


To increase the Akran foundation's fund by 10% each year until it exceeds 1 million within the next 5 years.


We all have a responsibility to help.


Knowing how to give. We seek to make a difference by supporting important causes and helping tackle issues facing people today, while laying the foundations for a more secure future.


To ensure 100 percent of all the money donated is passed on to worthy causes. To achieve this, we have actively maintained low overheads and have no paid employees. All expenses such as office space, secretarial support, website construction, audit and ASIC fees are donated to the Foundation by Akran Marketing.

Our Business

To care for others and planet. We establishing strategic relationships with front line workers and other charitable organizations, so as to tap into the resources and networks necessary to make a real impact in our areas of focus. This strategy has lead to influential partnerships at all levels and a specialization in raising the profile of a variety of worthy causes.